Shimmer is still very lame, poor dog. I have taken her into work to radiograph her knees, because despite what our ortho vet said, I am still not convinced the lameness is from her hips. So we radiographed both knees, and her hips, and I sent the xrays away to a specialist vet. He is suspicious of her cruciate, as am I. Possibly a partial tear. So she has an appointment with the specialist on Monday.. we will see what he says. Unfortunately, if she has partially ruptured her cruciate, then most likely she will need surgery. A highly invasive, big deal surgery where they cut into bones and rearrange them. Apparently the angle of her tibial plateaux is steeper than they should be, which would predispose her to cruciate disease. Another conformational problem. Poor Shim, we just can't get a break. As it is now spring, she is also madly itching as her atopy is completely out of control, despite thousands of dollars with dermatology, bucketfulls of fish-oils every morning, vinegar baths, sublingual desen every day.. *sigh* Its lucky we love her so much!

On a lighter, and happier, note, Red Dog turned 2 a couple of weeks ago. Love training and trialling that dog.. she just gets better and better as she starts to understand her job more. Her jumping is looking more balanced, with less kamikaze leaps (although they still happen, esp on the 1st jump!) We had a fun teams event last weekend, and are trialling for the next 3 weekends, with Gosnells this weekend, ADAA next (unsure how she will go on 550 and the
taller A-Frame), and then the royal show (could be interesting!)
I feel very lucky to have her to enjoy, and very glad especially as I am down to one dog.
Karen kindly taped Red's runs at the teams event.. we had a shocker in the jumping, but she ran really well in the agility and reasonably in the teams.
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