So to start with the good news.. Rosi managed a clear round in Novice Jumping on a lovely flowing course for her 3rd pass and TITLE! Yay. Excellent here we come! 1st place out of all heights. Novice Agility however did not far so well.. I pushed to get ahead on the dog walk as it was a tricky tight turny course and the handler needed to be present. And she ran straight up and over and off her DW, without stopping. So I put her back on and we continued. For some reason she seems to think the rules of DW in training are not applicable in the ring. She is being the pushiest out of any dog I have ever had with this, and this was despite quite a lot of proofing on the DW this week. At training they look great, she drives straight down and holds position. Just not getting that in the ring yet.. if she does hold it in the ring she is much more tentative and will often jump into position. Still work to do there! She had a nice run in OJ, just unfortunately hit the broad (in fact she hit 3/4 broads that night! Suspect she is not respecting it as a jump..) Vids below (thanks Karen/Colin!)
She is now on a agility break for the next 4-5 weeks. I have been relatively happy with her start to her trialling career. Fast dogs are always harder than slower ones to get the accuracy and she is almost where I wanted her to be at the end of the year (just 1 pass shy in novice agility). Equipment wise I am happy with how she is performing everything in training (the up contact of the A Frame will be a constant work in progress, I think), just need to get the dog walk up to scratch in the ring.
Next year we of course have the aim with her was to be in excellent and we should achieve this (hopefully being a more experienced excellent dog rather than one who has just entered the class!) She will still only be 2.5 years so I think excellent is a good place for her. Then later on in the year, in October, I will be breeding her. Sire yet to be confirmed (waiting back to hear :) ) This litter will be a one-off, because I want a pup from her. She will be speyed afterwards and will concentrate on her agility career.
The others.. well my hope is that Shim will be running again next year, if she stays sound. Possibly the same with Ink, although Mike might take her on. We will see. And Tex... well the jury is still out on the pappy-pants. We will see if he wants to do agility, or if he prefers watching from my lap ;) My hope is that he will..but he is still very young and not too sure of himself yet.
Merry Christmas All!
(This pic was very hard to get as a certain someone with big ears has no sit-stay..)
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