Slightly delayed, sorry. Have been very busy socialising the puppies. We had 2 to visit on Sat night, then Sunday we had 3 groups of people. This morning as well as a new little and big dog, man and woman, they also met Pamela's lovely 2 mini horses, and a neighbours big horse, and some chooks! They did REALLY well on their first visit off the property. They went without Rosi, I just took Tex along for company. They whinged a bit in the car on the way, but when we got there they came out of the car and started playing on the lawn straight away. Non phased by all the animals they met, confident and running around,I was really pleased. They are passed out asleep now!
Toilet training is coming along well, I am just treating them like I would any other puppy and taking them outside frequently. We are only having the odd accident so far. I had a sand toilet box in the pen, but they are sleeping in it more than anything else and making a big mess.
I watched the puppy culture DVD last night, and as well as the 'novel items' each day (which we do), it is advised to start training and problem solving exercises with them. So I started last night, little difficult as they are still only so-so on the food. Rosi is feeding them well, and I am not going to stop that. Last night I introduced the clicker, and this morning we did their first set of body awareness/problem solving. I set up a chain of balance cushions and a half dome and used a plate of tinned food as the reward. They all did really well and got to the end. Will try and video that soon.
In the meantime, here are some pics. I had a little go at trying to stack (practising for the official stack). Very pleased with their structure so far. Unfortunately I had my hand all over the front ends, making that impossible to see, oops. No stack from Uber as he had a little accident and was just getting fed on the table.
Styx showing a lovely pelvis |
Mist |
Cant get much cuter then that.. |
Uber wasn't worried about the flashing ball at all! |
Fleet was brave too.. |
Fleet |
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