Featuring the life and training of Wicked Hounds border collies: Terra, Shimmer, Ink and Rosi, Zen and the token small dog, Tex!
...ready for action !
Sunday, January 24, 2016
My puppy is growing up, 11.5 weeks now. I have been loving having a puppy in the house again, especially at this stage where they are all loving and sweet. Enjoying it before adolescence starts! Zen is definitely sweeter than her Mother, she will often come up and give me kisses and cuddles and likes to chew a toy sitting on my lap. I am very much enjoying her, she likes to train but is definitely 'softer' than her Mother at this stage. I have to be careful I don't overface her (especially training with kibble), as she will wander off and quit if she doesn't think it is worth it. Her body awareness is coming on, yesterday she managed to get all 4 feet up on the paw pods, and her backing up is quite good (and is the current default behaviour if she is not sure what I want, time to name it I think!). Her RZ is also pretty good, and she is a very happy heeler. Her retrieves seem to have become a bit lost, so I have taken her back into the hall for sessions of rewarding bringing to hand. She is a very social girl and has had lots of meet and greets at the park (from which she *mostly* still comes back!) She is a bit sound sensitive to various things at the moment, including birds, which I am hoping is a phase she grows out of. All in all she is good fun, and I just adore her cute little face! Pics below, and a clip from one of her walks (my current favourite part of the day).
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