Nothing really exciting has been happening in the last month. Had a few trials, with some nice runs with little errors. Still a fair way off her ADM title, despite gaining her JDM recently.
Here are a couple of runs I liked:
I am relatively happy with how she is running. She still has a tendency to want to jump straight and THEN turn, so we work on that a lot. She is just not a naturally bendy dog. Her running dog walk is going REALLY well, I am happy with it. She seems to have no problems with listening for a 'run' cue vs a 'stop' cue. I am enjoying having both, so far it is working out well. Interestingly her running dog walk is much better than her running A Frame, and yet she has been working on her running AF much longer. I recently put a stop on her AF as well (that she picked up in about 2 mins) so now I can use that if I need to. Love my Red Dog, she really is a fun girl.
Have been having a bit more of a play with Tex to see if I can get him to run.. no go. Sad pappy :(
Am feeling very broody like I need a puppy.. 1 dog is not enough! And I will definitely be getting another border collie, have learnt my lesson with the small breed dogs!
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