..that is no agility, anyway. Red Dog is on a rest break.. boring as that is!
She ran really well at Cloverdale a week ago, 2 off courses in both of her masters runs but both of them my fault. No bars, lovely contacts, lovely turns. I was very happy with her. She was flying her in masters agility run.. until I forgot a directional (or didn't plan it, as I didn't think I would need it).. and she took the spread backwards for an off course. Bother. That's what I said, anyway, the judge said something a bit ruder! Haha. Vid below:
Jumping was nice, too, except I gave her 180 cue too early.. and she immediately came in to me. Oops.
She had a lovely snooker run, and I managed to not stuff that up (of course that one's not on tape!)
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