...ready for action !

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fundraiser Trial

Despite the forecast of rain, the weather was HOT yesterday at the trial. It was good to be back with both dogs, and they both had some nice work.
Shim did a lovely NA run, apart from the popped weave pole, with very nice contacts and good speed. She also had her 1st EJ run, and went clear to go 2nd. This wasnt as fast as her novice run, and I probably shouldn't have done the practice ring with her before her run as I think she was a little tired. Interesting also watching her back legs in the EJ vs NA run- NA legs are pretty much all extended, EJ they are all tucked.

Terra had a relatively nice although slightly wide run in MJ to win the class (and there were a LOT of clears). In MA she thought she could fly...

Thanks to Karen for taping and uploading, completely with speccy header for Terra!!

Ink..well..is definitely in adolescence! LOTS of 'I'm not gonna you cant make me'..moments in everyday life, although still very keen to train luckily for both of our sanities! And, still a short runt (considerably shorter than her sisblings we saw last weekend at the 3 sheep trial!).

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